Thursday, February 9, 2012

Baraka Character Creation

Here is the character creation of my Baraka priest, I already knew how to make it from previous experimentation. I think it looks cool, despite of what other people said!

More Emotes

Here some more emotes from high elf, castanic and baraka. :3

 Some screenshots of Velika, capital of the Federation. The town is spectacular even tho a bit laggy to be in :D


In this video you can see the fight against a little bit stronger mob you can find in the starting area of Tera, as well as me failing bit with slayer. The quest is "Acharak Attacks", isn't very hard to kill this miniboss but for squishy classes you should try your best to avoid his special attack.

Slayer Gameplay

This is video about low lvl slayer gameplay in Tera. I had a lot of fun playing this class and probably I'll try to get it to an higher lvl during betas and test it out bit more. On the downside slayer gets very few skills at start so it can be little bit repetitive.

Character creation and starting cutscene

Here is how i made my elin character and the starting cinematic right before entering game itself. I already knew how to make this character from previous experimentation with the character creator. Hope you like it :P

Pure cuteness

This is my new elin character I made...pure cuteness :P